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Welcome to the Sebastian River Art Club

Located in the beautiful City of Sebastian, Florida

The Sebastian River Art Club is a 501(c)(3) organization with over 150 members of diverse mediums who exhibit their works at local venues and within our own gallery space here in the Art Center.  


Members actively participate on committees, working towards the benefit of the Club and the community, in addition to enjoying the benefits of painting and learning with others during our classes and open studio painting.

Hours: Gallery every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm.

New Class Schedule, additional classes added Monday through Saturday.  See "Art Classes" Tab.


Sebastian River art Club

1245 Main Street

Sebastian, Florida 32958

Directions:  from US Hwy 1 turn west onto Main Street, drive over the railroad tracks and the SRAC Art Center is on the right side at the end of the City Hall campus.  There is an "Art Center" sign on the front of the building and on a monument sign out front.

TELEPHONE: 772-321-9333





Executive Committee

Acting PresidentMaureen Fitzpatrick

Vice President, Jill Kettler

Treasurer, Leslie Jordan

Secretary, Sally Digman

Director, Sheila Lougheed

Director, Bonnie Hasher

Director,  Maureen Fitzpatrick

Director, Suze Lavendar

Director, Randy Brungot

Past President, Donna Ware


Committee Chairs

Art Around Town - Chair, Donna Ware, 757-999-0331

  City Hall. Richard Gillmor, 772-918-3148

  North County Library, Zofia Taylor

  Sebastian Coffee, Tea, and Books, Donna Ware, 757-999-0331

  Sebastian Chamber of Commerce, Jean Archibald, 321-725-1537


​Art By The River - ***POSITION OPEN*** 

Art Center - Sheila Lougheed - 203-648-3138

Art Instructor Coordinator - Position Open

Art Review - Mary Rahmig - 772-388-2547

​Calling Committee - Jill Kettler

​​Historian   ***POSITION OPEN***

Library (SRAC) - ***POSITION OPEN*** 

Mini Masterpieces - Suze Lavendar

Membership - Patricia Traver

Publicity - Position Open

Scholarships Chairperson - Betty Hays

​Sunshine - Jean Archibald - 321-725-1537

Volunteer Coordinator - Maureen Fitzpatrick - 772-664-1186

Website - Vicki Graham 307-631-6884

Celebrating our 87th Year

The Sebastian River Art Club was formed in 1937 by a group of local artists.  The group had been very progressive since its inception, enriching the community and its residents with the beauty of its fine art, and contributing to cultural and civic projects and events.  In 1972 part of the existing group formed what is now called the Sebastian River Art Club, duly recognized by the city of Sebastian.  In 2010 the Club moved into our present-day facility, adding the Art Center to its list offered amenities.  In 2016 the Club acquired its 501(c)3 non-profit status.  

The Sebastian River Art Club currently serves the community and its members through education, exhibitions, social events, special programs, an art gallery and monthly meetings.

Rosalee Taylor Hume

Over the years the Club has donated its talents and treasure to the community in many ways, and continues to increase its philanthropy, a partial list of which can be found under the "Home" tab.  The Club has grown many fine artists, with its most treasured being a founding member, Rosalee Taylor Hume, whose bronze sculpture of Paul Kroegel is positioned overlooking the Lagoon with his beloved pelicans perched at his feet.  Kroegel was hired in the early 1900's as the first national widlife refuge manager, and had a special appreciation for the area's pelicans.

SRAC's largest fundraising effort is the Rosalee Taylor Hume Scholarship Fund, awarding two $1,000 scholarships each year in memory of Rosalee.


More information about Hume can be found in the SRAC Art Center.

Paul Kroegel bronze statue 

by Rosalee Taylor Hume


You can join the Sebastian river Art Club any time of year, however if you join after August your membership will roll over into the next year.  General membership is $35, and other membership levels are listed on the SRAC Membership Application.  Visit the "Membership" tab of this website and read about all the features and benefits of becoming a member of the Sebastian River Art Club.  An application can be found under that tab also, or stop by the Art Center and pick one up.

  • Board Meetings are held about a week before the Business Meetings.  

  • Members’ Business Meetings are on the second TUESDAY of the month at 10am for the months of October, November, January, March, and April.  Late Afternoon/Evening Meetings for the months of September, December, and May are on the 2nd THURSDAY starting at 5:30 pm.   We do not meet in June, July, or August.

  • Members are encouraged to bring canned goods to each meeting, which is later brought to the Ecumenical Council Food Pantry.

  • Committee meetings are scheduled year-round as needed, and are usually held in the Art Center.

  • Business Meeting Minutes are sent to members via e-mail each month, and posted on the bulletin board in the Club's kitchen for those without e-mail accounts.

​​Professional Affiliations

The SRAC holds memberships in the following organizations

  • c-facebook
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Gallery, Sebastian River Art Club, Sebastian, Florida

Sebastian River Art Club, Sebastian, Florida

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