Instructor: Maureen Fitzpatrick
Class Title: Yupo Workshop
Medium: Watercolors
Level: All levels
Description: Painting on yupo papers. In this workshop we will be learning the techniques of painting on this synthetic paper.
Moving the colors around in unpredictable ways. Colors dry by evaporation. You can experiment with textural effects and rework passages with ease.
Supplies: Watercolors, Yupo paper, board, tape, brushes (soft, medium, firm), 2 water containers, paper towels, old cloths, tissues. Optional: sponges, markers, alcohol ink, acrylics.
Bio/Education & Experience:
My natural talent for drawing started at an early age. In grade and high school I was in charge of all holiday decorations for the classrooms. I attended Traphagen School of
Fashion Design in New York City because I enjoyed designing and making clothes for
myself and family. While raising my three children in New Jersey, I was commissioned
to design and paint for local schools, churches and stores. When I moved to Miami, Fl.
I studied watercolor, plein-air painting at Fairchild Tropical Gardens.
I am primarily self-taught in many different mediums,but my true love is working in
pen&ink and graphite. Fascinated by the amazing trees in Florida, I let my pen glide over Bristol paper to get the details of Banyan, Strangler Figs and Mangroves. With this medium I have won many awards. I am a member of Barefoot Bay Artists’Guild,
Sebastian River Art Club and Vero Beach Art Club.
